Final balances due April 12...please check your account...


  Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are eager to teach your children. To see who they are, click on their name or picture.

Bristol, Valarres

Carter II, Dennis

Chefan, Autumn

Chefan, Devin

Foster, Bradley

Girnys, Patsy


Holloway, Bridgid

Jacobsen, Doreen

Kopenski, Cindy

Kurche, Lee

Lashaway, Veva

Lazenby (AKA) Ms B, Ms. Patricia

Libra, Melanie

Michael, Linda

Pomponio, Sophia

Pyle, Katherine

Ramazanov, Zarina

Schmidt, Maribeth

Schmidt, Will

Schwinn, Valerie

Smith, Susan

Staff, TBA

Stephens, Alina

Thompson, Virginia

Vasquez, Laura

Walterich, Mary Ellen

Young, Joyce